Product Info
Part Number: 7101-7276-1303
Used on: Honda TRX250R
Cylinder Design: Single
Bore: 72.0
Stroke: 76.0
Rod: 130.3
Displacement: 309.4350336
Number of Cylinders: 1
Piston Number: 10387M07200
Head Volume:
Wrist Pin Size 18.0
Base Gasket Thickness 0.22
7101-7276-1303 description

In this ""smaller"" sized Puma cylinder for the TRX250R we have incorporated a larger than stock reed valve and Intake Manifold, (the same size as a CR500 Reed), which supplies the improved transfer and exhaust tunnels on this cylinder. Even in this smaller bore size, (when compared to the 74.5, the 78, and the 85mm versions), the performance increase gained from this cylinder is VERY surprising. As in all of the Puma family of cylinders, by changing the rear stud length in the crankcases we are able to provide more volume to the transfer tunnels, which is a definite benefit to the overall performance. An added benefit to this stud design, (the same system we use on the larger Sabertooth cylinders), is the added strength it adds to the intake side of the cylinder.


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